How to Handle Different Carpet Stains by Yourself

You need to be careful when you clean various kinds of stains from your carpet on your own. If you have ever tried to clean carpet stains then you’ll know it can be quite challenging for you. Regular cleaning of the carpet is very important if you want to get rid of all kinds of carpet stains. You can Fix various kinds of carpet stains on your own. You can also hire Professional Carpet Cleaning Adelaide company for this task. They know very well how to deal with such kinds of dirty stains.

Here are 5 kinds of carpet stains and some tips to tackle them:

Read the following tips to Fix various kinds of carpet stains on your own. You can also take help from the reputed carpet cleaning services.

1. Coffee stains

If you want to get rid of coffee stains on your carpet then you can use a mixture of dishwashing liquid & hydrogen peroxide. After dabbing the coffee stain, you can add this mixture to the stained carpet area. Spray some water onto the stain and then dab it dry. Repeat the process until the coffee stains are cleaned. You can check our blog DIY Home Carpet Cleaning Tips.

2. Pet urine stains

It is the toughest stain to remove. When it comes to pet urine, it’s not difficult to clean carpet pet urine stains, but it’s tough to remove the bad urine smell. We always advise you to use an effective enzymatic cleaner. You can easily purchase this from most pet stores. If you have any pets in your home, it’s best to keep this cleaner at all times with you. 

3. Wine stains

If you don't have any carpet stain removal products, you can use a mixture of baking soda and water. You can also use salt to remove the wine's dark stains. Pour salt onto the wine stain of the carpet. Let the salt absorb the wine deeply from your carpet and then vacuum it up. 

4. Bloodstains

If you want to remove blood stains from your carpet, then use soda water. The bubbles of soda water help to pull the blood out of the carpet fibers. You may need to repeat this process again & again if you want to completely remove blood stains from the carpet. You are always advised to use cold water when you are cleaning the bloodstains from your carpet. When you use Hot water for cleaning, it cause coagulation. 

5. Grease stains

Remove grease or fat-based filthy stain using baking soda. Sprinkle the baking soda on the carpet stain and let it sit for several hours. You can also use a mixture of baking soda, white vinegar, and water. After 6 hours, vacuum cleans the baking soda. Then wet a cloth with alcohol and swab the affected carpet area. You can check our blog 6 Steps To Keep Your Carpets Dust & Dirt Free.


No matter how neat & clean your home is, unexpected spills can cause stains. These stains destroy our expansive carpets. The above-mentioned carpet stain removal tips will be helpful to you if you want to remove tough carpet stains immediately at home. Hire a local carpet cleaner to Fix various kinds of carpet stains.